Baby Angels Birth

Created by Vicky 10 years ago
Little Kayla was born on the 10th of September 2003, ten minutes before midnight in Johannesburg General Hospital storage room. I remember the night baby was born, every one was cheering me on and holding their thumbs in the air, screaming "Tomorrow is September 11th, Vicky, a very sad day, you have to have this baby before then !". And then around 10:30 PM, my water broke and little one was born very quickly before 12. (That is why she was born in the storage room, doctor thought he had more time) She was my Good Luck baby. Gorgeous little creature, she slept beside me all night and in the morning we "met". I sat her in front of me on the bed and we just stared at each other for the longest time. She was frowning severely and sticking out her little pink tongue allot. The look on her face clearly said "What am I doing here and who are you ?" She kind of looked like my grand mother and I kept thinking how strange that was to have a resemblance like that. I kept reassuring her that I would Love her and take absolute great care of her. By that evening Little one had gotten ill and two weeks later she was released from hospital, Autistic and brain damaged. Our Precious Lord had granted us more time with her, He wanted us to get to know His little angel. It was only after Michaela had returned home that her Father and Grandmother decided to name her "Michaela" her aunt was in charge of spelling, hence "Michael with an A". I did not mind, I would love this little pink adorable sweetheart baby no matter what she was called, she was mine and I was blessed. Michaela was a very friendly baby, every where we went we were absolutely overcome with compliments on this gorgeous child. Big blue eyes, Red hair (yes she had red hair when she was a baby) pink rose bud lips, she was perfect, and always happy and always smiling. She crawled until she was about three years old and then only started standing up, smiling adorably whenever she stood up to take a few steps, little arms tucked in at her sides, like a little baby duck. My little living doll had started walking. I had to spend allot of time working double shifts and this meant I missed allot of time with my three children, however I would spoil her rotten every chance I got, and she loved it. There was never a greater feeling than buying her something and those little precious arms around my neck to thank me, this was the greatest reward I received in all my life.