The Highglight of Baby's Life; Pathways School

Created by Vicky 10 years ago
After baby had turned 5 years old I no longer had any one to take care of her at home. So one sunny morning I took her to Pathways Pretoria for the first time. We had no money and I was working full time, we met Tammy and Danita at the school. They never had layed eyes on us before and there in front of them was standing a very worried mother and a beautiful blond blue eyed little doll. I explained my situation and was cut short, they did not need to hear details. Michaela was taken by the hand, welcomed and taken in immediately. They would take care of her with no questions asked, they made it clear that they were glad to have her and I knew we were in the right place. Michaela could hardly speak when she was taken in by Pathways, and her motor skills were limited. With much much loving care they had taken my shy little girl and turned her into a very independent young lady. She started recognizing letters, colors, she could even speak sentences by 9 years old. She was stimulated there and she was taken care of. This tribute is to all at Pathways as well, why ? Because they were the highlight of my little girls life. They gave and loved selflessly when called upon, they made a difference in my little girls life that cannot be measured. She loved the school, she loved the teachers, she loved her friends most of all and she looked forward to going every single day. They assisted with so much, from taking care of and arranging outings (which we could never afford) to donating her very first school uniform to her. She was so very proud, she had always longed to have a uniform just like her two brothers and Pathways granted a dream, knowingly ? I am not sure, but that is what it was to us. We would some mornings meet Rodney the school bus driver on our route to work and school, all efforts would be made to stop and take Michaela aboard ! The staff in the bus, always smiling and always welcoming, these were our special treats. Weekends could not pass quick enough for baby to go to school, she would say "mommy wash my school clothes, mommy go to work and Kayla go to school". Although she loved all her teachers and care takers, she especially fell in love in 2013 with a very special teacher named Heather. I remembered getting jealous because Heather was all she talked about, and she could not talk enough about all that they did at school. In August 2013 michaela's apendix burst suddenly at home, she was rushed to hospital and we knew how lucky we were to have God save her for us again. One afternoon coming from work to hospital I found Heather and Kayla in the hospital room, Kayla with a huge smile on her face and Heather crawling under the bed, playing hide and seek. I was so overcome, I cried. Kayla was so happy to see her teacher at hospital, it had been such a scary situation. Heather also brought a little grey koala bear which would become known as "Teddy B" and accompany Kayla every where from that day forward. Back at school every one was happy to see Michaela, hugs were given all around to me, very confused and sad about what had happened. Kayla was very glad to be back at school, if I remember correctly she was slow moving because of her wound, but the school paid no mind to this, Michaela was accommodated and provision was made for her, I think at that stage we carried her to the bathroom and this was no problem for Pathways either. Coming late some afternoons Tammy would sit and wait for me with Michaela and she used to say "Kayla is a pleasure, it was my pleasure watching her for you" What a pleasure they were in my little angels life. I am so grateful for all the opportunities they afforded us, thank you so much.
